Privacy Notices/Privacy Statements

Privacy Notice

Whether a business or organisation has an online presence or not, it must communicate information to the data subjects relating to the processing of their personal data. This must be in some clear form. These will vary depending on the types and varieties of data, including their volume.

GDPRXpert does not believe in the ‘one size fits all approach’ and is wary of templates downloaded from the internet. Our view is that a quality custom Privacy Notice or Statement will clearly show your clients that you truly care about their data protection rights. It will be individual to your business, and be recognised as such by your clients or customers. The primary purpose is to demonstrate to your clients and customers that you take their data protection rights seriously.   A clear message that it will communicate is  that your business or organisation is reputable and  trustworthy. Any Privacy  Notice or statement that  we draft will demonstrate your organisation’s commitment to respecting and facilitating the  data protection rights of clients and customers.

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With that in mind, GDPRXpert, will draft a Privacy Notice for your business or organisation that will include all the necessary aspects and appropriate features. Many of these vary from organisation to organisation, just as the categories of personal data being processed will vary. Our promise is to give you a Privacy Notice/ Privacy Policy Statement  that is comprehensive, but  not excessive. The one we draft  will be individual and  specific to your own business.  It will be a strong indicator of the value your  organisation places on data protection principles and rights, and overall good governance.  NO one will  doubt your organisation’s commitment to respecting and facilitating the data protection rights of clients or customers.

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